Designer Jewelry for a Cause

Designer Jewelry for a Cause
Music for the Soul
From Jewelry Design to Life
Ashley Miller crafts a combination of casual elegance and sophisticated luxury with her one of a kind fine jewelry creations designed for strong and passionate individuals. Radiant rare stones, precious metals and lustrous pearls create high end pieces with a bohemian flair. She creates one-of-a-kind pieces that frame the wearer's natural essence. Handcrafted, every piece is exclusively yours.
Ashley draws inspiration from her years of experience as a touring musician and lead singer. You can see her live by seeing the Upcoming Shows page.

Why We Fight
Village at Glencliff
The Village at Glencliff is a new community created to give people experiencing homelessness a dignified, loving, and hospitable place of rest after hospitalization.
Ashley loves this because...
Village at Glencliff in the News
After years of push-back, delays and court battles, a medical respite center for Nashville's unhoused is now open at Glencliff United Methodist Church.
The tiny homes at The Village At Glencliff are for people who have nowhere to go after a hospital stay.

"A multitude of small delights constitute happiness"
Charles Baudelaire